The end of November saw myself and Kathyann travel over to Florida to spend a week with Gravity Golf’s David and Danny Lee. We went to enjoy some warmer weather, work on our games and I wanted to watch David do some more coaching. The week began on a very wet Monday with David and Kathyann huddled under an umbrella and myself hitting balls whilst getting soaked.
Fortunately the weather picked up for the rest of the week and we were able to get to work on our games. David had me working on my weight transfer, getting me to speed things up to help support the club in the change of direction and keep the club in plane in the downswing.
Kathyann worked on her counter-fall with one footed driver swings, along with heel-to-heel swings. As always with the Gravity system the drills seem almost impossible at the start, with the ball flying everywhere.
However, with more practice as the week went on the drills that once seemed impossible were all of a sudden attainable. Better yet the faster footwork soon transferred itself into my swing and I was able to play a great round of golf at Black Diamond with some great ball striking.
During the week we participated in two of David’s Driver Drill Clinics at the Black Diamond ranch. The Driver Drill is a unique way to rapidly increase the distance you hit the golf ball and involves rapidly hitting 100 balls from the front route drill. As the drill progresses tension is removed from the arms and body and a sense of effortless power is revealed. By practicing this drill several times a week this effortless power will begin to manifest itself in your everyday swing.
All in all a great week and I would highly recommend a golf school to you all.