
Winter Project, week 14

It has been a month since the last update and things have continued to progress nicely. I have recently had the fastest swing speed so far with my Driver at 109.2 mph, a 12 mph improvement from November! In the gym the weights I am lifting have interestingly begun to plateau, I believe this is because of the increase in my cycling. Since the last update I have done just over 450 miles and 33,000 feet of vertical climbing. So despite things plateauing in the gym my legs are getting stronger than ever, and there is no doubt in my mind that this has been one of the main reasons for the increase in speed.

David Lee, Founder of Gravity Golf ™ has always said to play even better golf I should work specifically on building a good strong set of legs which in turn would help my good shots get better. He also said that it would also make my bad swings less catastrophic; I am now beginning to understand what he means.

With the cycling and my upcoming wedding I have probably practiced less this winter than I have for a number of years. Due to the lack of quantity, I have had to focus on quality. When hitting right-handers I have been focusing on getting the routing of my right arm correct, as when this is correct it allows me to swing as hard as I can and the ball isn’t lost to the right.

When hitting drills two handed I’ve been making sure that I always hit them full throttle.

I am really pleased with my progress – purposeful practice, determination and a end goal are all contributing to my success.

Take a look at me working on my RIGHT ARM ROUTING with David and Danny Lee in Florida back in December.

My cycling training information is below too and if you want to sponsor the ride the link is HERE.

Many thanks
